Dr. Thomas Ward Allen

Dr. Thomas Ward Allen


  • Assoc Extension/Research Prof

Contact Information

Office: 662-686-3272



  • Auburn University, Doctor of Philosophy (PHD), Plant Pathology
  • Auburn University, Master of Science (MS), Forestry
  • Indiana University Bloomington, Bachelor of Science (BS), Biology


Year Publications

Eubank, W., Bond, J. A., Allen, T. W., Golden, B., Carey, . F., Dodds, D. M., Bowman, H. 2025. Impact of florpyrauxifen-benzyl on a hybrid cultivar seeded at different densities. Weed Technology


Mangialardi, . A., Bond, J. A., Allen, T. W., Gholson, D., McCoy, J., Bowman, H., Kelly, R. 2025. Termination of a simulated failed corn stand and timing interval for replanting corn or soybean. Weed Technology


Sanders, T., Bond, J. A., Allen, T. W., Gholson, D., Krutz, L. J., Webster, E. 2024. Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) control and rice injury with labeled herbicides following exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of paraquat. Weed Technology 38.


Bowman, H., Bond, J. A., Allen, T. W., Reynolds, D. B., Bararpour, T., Dodds, D. M., Eubank, T. 2024. Salvage treatments for barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) control following simulated failed herbicide application. Weed Technology 38.


Awuni, G., Gore, J., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Allen, T. W., Cook, D. R., Musser, F. 2024. Duration of rice stink bug, Oebalus pugnax (F.) infestation impacts the milk stage of panicle development. Cogent Food & Agriculture 10(1).


Aboughanem, N., Stephenson, R. C., Allen, T. W., Henn, R., Moore, W. F., Lawrence, A., Sabanadzovic, S. 2023. Characterization of a Putative New Member of the Genus Potyvirus from Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata) in Mississippi. Viruses 15(2145):16 .


Aboughanem-Sabanadzovic, N., Allen, T. W., Frelichowski, J., Scheffler, J., Sabanadzovic, S. 2023. Discovery and analyses of caulimovirid-like sequences in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Viruses 15:1643.


Aboughanem-Sabanadzovic, N., Allen, T. W., Scheffler, J., Sabanadzovic, S. 2023. First report of pothos latent virus infecting upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in the United States. . Plant Disease 107(7):2270.


Pieralisi, B., Allen, T. W., Bryant, C., Norris, J., Rutland, W. J., Wallace, T. P. 2023. Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2022. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Information Bulletin 576


Wheeler, T. A., Harris, T., Bart, R. S., Isakeit, T., Woodward, J., Allen, T. W., Kemerait, R. C. 2022. Response of Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum isolates to cotton differeing in susceptibility to the bacterium and their predicted type III effectors. 23(1).


Bond, J. A., Allen, T. W., Seale, J., Edwards, H. M. 2022. Glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) control with PRE and POST herbicide programs. Weed Technology 36:145-151.


Wang, X., Aboughanem-Sabanadzovic, N., Sabanadzovic, S., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Wilkerson, T. H., Allen, T. W. 2022. Evaluating in vitro fitness parameters of QoI-resistant and -sensitive Corynespora cassiicola isolates from Mississippi soybean. . Plant Disease


Wang, X., Dhillon, N. D., Brochard, N., Aboughanem-Sabanadzovic, N., Sabanadzovic, S., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Wilkerson, T. H., Bluhm, B. H., Faske, T. R., Allen, T. W. 2022. Quinone outside inhibitor resistance conferred with the G143A substitution in Corynespora cassiicola, which causes target spot, from Arkansas and Mississippi soybean. Plant Health Progress 22(3):339-341.


Ward, B. M., Shrestha, B., Allen, T. W., Buckley, B., Chen, P., Clubb, M., Mozzoni, L. A., Orazaly, M., Florez, L., Moseley, D., Rupe, J. C., Gentimis, T., Price III, P. P. 2021. Evaluating Cercospora leaf blight resistance in soybean accessions using an improved categorical disease-evaluation scale. Journal of Crop Improvement 35(5):679-699.


Bradley, C. A., Allen, T. W., Sisson, A. J., Bergstrom, G. C., Bissonnette, K. M., Bond, J. A., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M. I., Collins, A. A., Damicone, J. P., Dorrance, A. E., Dufault, N. S., Esker, P. D., Faske, T. R., Fiorellino, N. M., Giesler, L. J., Hartman, G. L., Hollier, C. A., Isakeit, T., Jackson-Ziems, T. A., Jardine, D. J., Kelly, H. M., Kemerait, R. C., Kleczewski, N. M., Koehler, A. M., Kratochvil, R. J., Kurle, J. E., Malvick, D. K., Markell, S. G., Mathew, F. M., Mehl, H. L., Mehl, K. M., Mueller, D. S., Mueller, J. D., Nelson, B. D., Overstreet, C., Padgett, G. B., Price, P. P., Sikora, E. J., Small, I., Smith, D. L., Spurlock, T. N., Tande, C. A., Telenko, D. E., Tenuta, A. U., Thiessen, L. D., Warner, F., Wiebold, W. J., Wise, K. A. 2021. Soybean yield loss estimates due to diseases in the United States and Ontario, Canada, from 2015 to 2019. Plant Health Progress 22(4).


Lawrence, B., Bond, J. A., Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Reynolds, D. B., Bararpour, T. 2021. Rice (Oryza sativa) Response to Sub-lethal Rates of Paraquat, Metribuzin, Fomesafen, and Cloransulam-methyl at Different Application Timings. Weed Technology 35.


Sanders, T. L., Bond, J. A., Lawrence, B., Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Bararpour, T. 2021. Evaluation of sequential applications of quizalofop and florpyrauxifen-benzyl in acetyl CoA carboxylase-resistant rice (Oryza sativa). Weed Technology 35:268-262.


Crow, W., Catchot, A. L., Dodds, D. M., Gore, J., Cook, D. R., Allen, T. W. 2021. Evaluation of Cotton Cultivar and At-Plant Nematicide Application on Seasonal Populations of Reniform Nematode . Agronomy 11(11):2166.


Vines, P. L., Hoffmann, F. G., Meyer, F. S., Allen, T. W., Tomaso-Peterson, M. 2021. Gaeumannomyces nanograminis, sp. nov., a hyphopodiate fungus identified from diseased roots of ultradwarf bermudagrass in the United States. Mycologia 113(5):938-948.


Burgess, B., Allen, T. W., Bullard, J., Larson, E. J., Lewis, K., McCoy, J., White, J. A. 2021. Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2021. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station


Petrovic, K., Skaltsas, D., Castlebury, L. A., Kontz, B., Allen, T. W., Chilvers, M. I., Gregory, N., Kelly, H. M., Koehler, A. M., Kleczewski, N. M., Mueller, D. S., Price, III, P. P., Smith, . L., Mathew, F. M. 2021. Diaporthe seed decay of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Is endemic in the United States, but new fungi are Involved. Plant Disease 105(6).


Floyd, C. A., Irby, J. T., Allen, T. W., Catchot, A. L., Dodds, D. M., Sarver, J. M., Maples, W. E., Scholtes, A. B., Carver, S. M. 2021. Evaluation of fungicide application timing on soybean yield, quality, and economic return. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 7(1):e20102.


Garcia-Aroca, T., Price, P. P., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Allen, T. W., Wilkerson, T. H., Spurlock, T. N., Faske, T. R., Bluhm, B., Conner, K., Sikora, E., Guyer, R., Kelly, H., Squiers, B. M., Doyle, V. P. 2021. Xylaria necrophora, sp. nov., is an emerging root-associated pathogen responsible for taproot decline of soybean in the southern United States. Mycologia 113(2):326-347.


Burgess, B., Allen, T. W., Bullard, J., Haire, D. L., Larson, E. J., Macoon, B., Pickett, I., Rushing, J. B., Reginelli, D. B., White, J. A. 2020. Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2019. Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station


Lawrence, B., Bond, J. A., Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Reynolds, D. B., Bararpour, T. 2020. Nitrogen fertilizer programs following rice exposure to a sub-lethal concentration of paraquat. Weed Technology 34:807-813.


Lawrence, B., Bond, J. A., Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Reynolds, D. B., Bararpour, T. 2020. Rice (Oryza sativa) performance following exposure to a sub-lethal concentration of paraquat applied alone or in mixture with common residual herbicides. Weed Technology 34:675-681.


Sanders, T., Bond, J. A., Lawrence, B., Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Bararpour, T. 2020. Evaluation of weed control in acetyl CoA carboxylase-resistant rice (Oryza sativa) with mixtures of quizalofop and auxinic herbicides. Weed Technology 34:498-505.


Lawrence, B., Bond, J. A., Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Reynolds, D. B., Bararpour, T. 2020. Rice (Oryza sativa) performance following exposure to a sub-lethal concentration of paraquat applied alone or in mixture with common POST and residual herbicides. Weed Technology 34:675-681.


Crow, W., Catchot, A. L., Gore, J., Dodds, D. M., Allen, T. W., Cook, D. R. 2020. Evaluation of Seed Treatment, Herbicide, and Nematicide on Tobacco Thrips (Thysanoptera:Thripdae) and Reniform Nematode (Tylenchida:Hololaimidae) Control. Journal of Cotton Science 24:10-16.


Vines, P. L., Hoffmann, F. G., Meyer, F. S., Allen, T. W., Luo, J., Zhang, N., Tomaso-Peterson, M. 2020. Magnaporthiopsis cynodontis, a novel turfgrass pathogen with widespread distribution in the United States. Mycologia 112(1):52-63.


Wilson, B. R., Allen, T. W., Catchot, A. L., Krutz, L. J., Dodds, D. M. 2020. Determining the profitability of reniform nematode control practices in the Mississippi cotton production system. Plant Health Progress 21(2):105-112.


Crow, W., Catchot, A. L., Gore, J., Dodds, D. M., Cook, D. R., Allen, T. W. 2020. Evaluation of tillage, at-planting treatment, and nematicide on tobacco thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and reniform nematode (Tylenchida: Hoplolamidae) management in cotton. Agronomy 10(2).


Vines, P. L., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Hoffmann, F. G., Meyer, F. S., Allen, T. W., Luo, J., Zhang, N. 2019. Magnaporthiopsis cynodontis, a novel turfgrass pathogen with widespread distribution in the United States. Mycologia 112(1):52-63.


Aboughanem-Sabanadzovic, N., Allen, T. W., Henn, A. R., Lawrence, A., Sabanadzovic, S. 2019. Biological and molecular characterization of a diverged isolate of pokeweed mosaic virus from Mississippi. Journal of Plant Pathology


Aboughanem, N., Allen, T. W., Wilkerson, T. H., Conner, K. N., Sikora, E. J., Nichols, R. L., Sabanadzovic, S. 2019. First report of cotton leafroll dwarf virus in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) in Mississippi. Plant Disease 103:1798.


Wise, K. A., Smith, D., Freije, A., Mueller, D. S., Kandel, Y., Allen, T. W., Bradley, C. A., Byamukama, E., Chilvers, M., Faske, T., Friskop, A., hollier, C., Jackson-Ziems, T. A., Kelly, H., Kemerait, B., Price III, P., Robertson, A., Tenuta, A. 2019. Meta-analysis of yield response of foliar fungicide-treated hybrid corn in the United States and Ontario, Canada. PLoS ONE 14(6):e0217510.


Wang, X., Allen, T. W., Wang, H., Peterson, D. G., Nichols, R. L., Liu, A., Li, X., Deng, P., Jia, J., Lu, S. 2019. Development of a qPCR protocol to detect the cotton bacterial blight pathogen, Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum. Plant Disease 103(3):422-429.


Zhang, G., Bond, J. A., Fakhoury, A. M., Dorrance, A. E., Weber, L., Faske, T. R., Giesler, L. J., Hershman, D. E., Kennedy, B. S., Neves, D. L., Hollier, C. A., Kelly, H. M., Newman, M. A., Kleczewski, N. M., Koenning, S. R., Allen, T. W., Thiessen, L. D., Mehl, H. L., Zhou, T., Meyer, M. D., Meuller, D. S., Kandel, Y. R., Price III, P. P., Rupe, J. C., Sikora, E. J., Standish, J. R., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Wise, K. A., Bradley, C. A. 2018. Widespread occurrence of quinone outside inhibitor fungicide-resistant isolates of Cercospora sojina, causal agent of frogeye leaf spot of soybean, in the United States. Plant Health Progress 19:295-302.


Ryals, J. L., Cook, D. R., Catchot, A. L., Musser, F., Stewart, S. D., Leanord, R. B., Buntin, D. G., Kerns, D. L., Allen, T. W., Gore, J. 2018. Impact of Corn Earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Field Corn (Poales: Poaceae) Yield and Grain Quality. Journal of Economic Entomology


Sharma, S., Zaccaron, A. Z., Ridenour, J. B., Allen, T. W., Conner, K., Doyle, V. P., Price, T., Sikora, E., Singh, R., Spurlock, T., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Wilkerson, T. H., Bluhm, B. H. 2018. Draft genome sequence of Xylaria sp., the causal agent of taproot decline of soybean in the southern United States. Data in Brief 17:129-133.


Bararpour, T., Korres, N. E., Allen, T. W., Bond, J. A. 2017. Infection of Sorghum bicolor, selected grass species, and Zea mays by Gloeocercospora sorghi, causal pathogen of zonate leaf spot. Phytoparasitica 45:211-217.


Vines, P. L., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Allen, T. W., DuBien, J. L., Stewart, B. R. 2017. Cultivar selection, cultural management practice, and fungicide application influence leaf spot and dollar spot on ultradwarf bermudagrass. Crop Forage Turfgrass Management 3:7.


Showmaker, 1. C., Arick II, M. A., Hsu, C., Martin, B. E., Wang, X., Jia, J., Wubben, M. J., Nichols, R. L., Allen, T. W., Peterson, D. G., Lu, S. 2017. The genome of the cotton bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum strain MSCT1. Standards in Genomic Sciences 12:42.


Vines, P. L., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Allen, T. W., Stewart, B. R., DuBien, J. L. 2017. Ultradwarf bermudagrass performance as influenced by cultivar selection and cultural management practice. Crop Science 57(1):1–9.


Woodward, J., Dodds, D. M., Main, C., Barber, T., Boman, R. K., Whitaker, J. R., Edmisten, K., Banks, J. C., Buehring, N. W., Allen, T. W. 2016. Evaluation of Foliar Applications of Strobilurin Fungicides in Cotton across the Southern United States. Journal of Cotton Science


Woodard, J. E., Buehring, N. W., Dodds, D. M., Martin, C. L., Barber, L. T., Bowman, R. K., Whitaker, J. R., Edmisten, K. L., Allen, T. W. 2016. Evaluation of Foliar applications of Strobilurin Fungicides in cotton across the southern states. Journal of Cotton Science 20:116-124.


Harback, C. J., Allen, T. W., Bowen, C. R., Davis, J. A., Hill, C. B., Leitman, M., Leonard, B. R., Mueller, D. S., Padgett, G. B., Phillips, X. A., Schneider, R. W., Sikora, E. J., Singh, A. K., Hartman, G. L. 2016. Delayed senescence in soybean: Terminology, research update, and survey results from growers. . Plant Health Progress 17:76-83.


Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Orlowski, J. 2016. Seed-applied fungicide and inoculant interactions for late-planted soybean in the mid-southern United States. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management 2(1).


Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Orlowski, J. 2016. Seed-applied fungicide and inoculant interactions for late-planted soybean in the Mid-southern United States . Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management


Standish, J. R., Tomaso-Peterson, M., Allen, T. W., Sabanadzovic, S., Aboughanem, N. 2015. Occurrence of QoI fungicide resistance in Cercospora sojina from Mississippi soybean. . Plant Disease 99:1347-1352.


Cianchetta, A. N., Allen, T. W., Hutmacher, R. B., Kemerait, R. C., Kirkpatrick, T. L., Lawrence, G. W., Mueller, J. D., Nichols, R. L., Olsen, M. W., Overstreet, C., Woodward, J. E., Lawrence, K. S., Davis, R. M. 2015. Survey of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum in the United States. Journal of Cotton Science 19(2):328-336.


Weaver, M. A., Abbas, H. K., Falconer, L. L., Allen, T. W., Pringle, H. C., Sciumbato, G. L. 2015. Biological control of aflatoxin is effective and economical in Mississippi field trials. . Crop Protection 69:52-55.


Murillo-Williams, A., Esker, P., Allen, T. W., Stone, C., Frederick, R. 2015. First report of Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean in Costa Rica. Plant Disease 99(3):418.


Extension Publications

Year Publications

Burgess, B., Bullard, J., Burkhalter, J. W., Allen, T. W., Haire, D. L., Irby, J. T., Macoon, B., McCoy, J., Silva, A. M., Solomon, W., White, J. A. 2021. Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials 2020. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Information Bulletin 556.


Pieralisi, B., Allen, T., Golden, B., McCoy, J., Norris, J., Rutland, W., Shankle, M., Wallace, T. 2021. Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2020. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Information Bulletin 558.


Allen, T. W., Catchot, A. L., Cook, D. R., Dodds, D. M., Gore, J., Irby, J. T., Larson, E. J., Layton, M. B., Little, N., MacGown, J., Musser, F., Meyers, S. L., Speights, C. 2019. 2019 Insect Control Guide for Agronomic Crops. Mississippi State University Extension


Falconer, L. L., Irby, J. T., Allen, T. W., Bond, J. A., Catchot, A. L., Cook, D. R., Golden, B. R., Gore, J., Krutz, L. J., Pringle, H. 2019. 2019 Soybean Planning Budgets. Mississippi State University Extension


Irby, J. T., Scholtes, A. B., Oswalt, P. G., Allen, T. W. 2019. 2018 Soybean Variety Demonstration Program. . Mississippi State University Extension


Irby, J. T., Scholtes, A. B., Oswalt, P. G., Allen, T. W. 2019. Soybean Seed Quality Results for MG IV Varieties from the 2018 On-Farm Variety Demonstration.. Mississippi State University Extension


Falconer, L. L., Irby, J. T., Allen, T. W., Bond, J. A., Catchot, A. L., Cook, D. R., Golden, B. R., Gore, J., Krutz, L. J., Pringle, H. 2018. Soybeans 2019 Planning Budget. MSU Extension Service


Falconer, L. L., Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Bond, J. A., Gore, J., Krutz, L. J., Pringle, H. 2018. Rice 2019 Planning Budgets.


Falconer, L. L., Golden, B. R., Allen, T. W., Bond, J. A., Gore, J., Krutz, L. J., Pringle, H. 2017. Rice 2018 Planning Budgets.


Falconer, L. L., Irby, J. T., Orlowski, J., Allen, T. W., Bond, J. A., Gore, J., Buehring, N. W., Catchot, A. L., Cook, D. R., Golden, B. R., Krutz, L. J., Pringle, H. 2017. Soybeans 2018 Planning Budgets. MSU Extension Service


Buehring, N. W., Taylor, A., Harrison, M. P., Burger, B., Solomon, L., Allen, T. W. 2016. Roundup Ready and Conventional Soybean Variety Trials. 2016 Soybean Variety Trial Report


Awards & Honors

  • Geoff Guyton Innovation in Technology Award
    Mississippi State University
  • Southern Soybean Disease Workers - Distinguished Service Award
    Southern Soybean Disease Workers
  • Conservation Systems Soybean Researcher of 2016
    National Conservation Systems Cotton & Rice Conference
  • Friends of IPM Award - Mississippi Crop Situation Blog Team
    Southern IPM Center

Society Memberships

  • American Phytopathological Society
  • Mississippi Association of Plant Pathologists and Nematologists
  • Society of Nematologists
  • Southern Division American Phytopathological Society
  • Southern Soybean Disease Workers